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Copying Source Control data into a new Project Area

Peter Turvey (99236) | asked Nov 14 '18, 4:24 a.m.
retagged Nov 27 '18, 9:43 a.m. by Ken Tessier (84117)

I have a few project areas of varying sizes running on RTC v602.

I am now setting up a new v606 Jazz Team Server on new hardware and I want to start off with a project that is based upon  a small project from the original server.

I extracted the Process template from the existing server and imported it into the new JTS. Then I created my new project and set up some Team Areas and Timelines.

Now I want to take a copy of about 15 components and 5 streams from the existing project and load them into the new project on the new JTS v606.
I only need the latest version of each file (I don’t care about older versions of files / baselines)

Is there a recommended way of doing this, e.g. an article I should follow ?

Accepted answer

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David Lafreniere (4.8k7) | answered Nov 14 '18, 9:47 a.m.
Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

Ralph Schoon commented Nov 14 '18, 2:22 p.m.

David, this usually requires the servers to be 'compatible' which menas the same version for a huge bunch of them.

David Lafreniere commented Nov 14 '18, 2:42 p.m.
In general (unless a N&N or other doc states otherwise) distributed SCM follows the n-1 rule. So in this case flowing between a 6.0.2 and 6.0.6 server should work fine.

Peter Turvey commented Nov 15 '18, 11:08 a.m. | edited Nov 15 '18, 12:21 p.m.

Thanks for useful reply. But I currently have problem when I try to create Rep workspace for the components I wish to transfer.
I have eclipse client v602 connected to jazz_server_old (v602) and jazz_server_new(v606). All on same network and use same Active Dir
I duplicated stream from  jts_old and am trying to create a rep_workspace with "Use another repository" option. i.e. duplicate stream and its components are on "jts_old" and instructions in your link say I want repo workspace to be on "jts_new".
I get Error invoking remote service at https://jts_old:9443/ccm/ : Received fatal alert: handshake failure

Any help would be gratefully received.

Peter Turvey commented Nov 15 '18, 11:54 a.m.

I don't know if this is relevant to my problem described above but when I tried to use Eclipse client v606 (as opposed to v602) I also got a handshake failure when I was trying to connect to the v602 server "jts_old".

But once I had switched to using the older v602 client I was able to connect to both "jts_old"(v602) and "jts_new"(v606).
That's why I was a bit disappointed about the handshake failure when I was trying to create the repository workspace.

David Lafreniere commented Nov 15 '18, 12:22 p.m.

Yeah, you will always need to make sure that the RTC client you are using is older than the oldest sever in this scenario. The n-1 compatibility rule means that the RTC client can be at an older version than the server, but not the other way around.

Peter Turvey commented Nov 16 '18, 5:35 a.m.

Thanks David.
I still need help with my new problem so I'll post a fresh question on the forum

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