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Can we execute C# scripts from Rational Quality Manager

archana jagdale (11111) | asked Dec 28 '12, 10:51 a.m.
retagged Sep 26 '13, 2:08 p.m. by Lisa Caten (342913)


We have developed our Automation framework in visual studio with C# .Now , we want to execute all our C # scripts from Rational Quality Manager.

So, is there any way to import our scripts in RQM or execute our scripts from RQM.

Also, I have not seen any RQM adapter for RQM.



5 answers

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Ara Masrof (3.2k15) | answered Dec 28 '12, 11:05 a.m.
One option would be the RQM Command line Adapter; the following article will give you a good overview on how the adapter works and some customization examples

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archana jagdale (11111) | answered Dec 31 '12, 1:39 a.m.
Hi Ara,
Thanks for providing me good information regarding  RQM adapter..  It is very helpful..
But still my problem has not resolved..
As I followed all the steps mentioned in article ->
And  I am getting an error in command prompt while connecting adapter:-
 "Launching Command Line Adapter...

java version "1.6.0_24"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_24-b07)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 19.1-b02, mixed mode, sharing)
Configuration file C:\Program Files\IBM\JazzTeamServer_3\server\conf\jazz\adapte
rs\RQMCommandLineAdapter\Config2.ini does not exist, adapter will use the argume
nts passed SSL_TLS SSLContext not available
Unable to create SSL_TLS context, trying TLS
Successfully created an HTTP client SSL_TLS SSLContext not available
Unable to create SSL_TLS context, trying TLS
The adapter is now connected
Encountered an error while validating the specified server information.  Status
code: 3
The command line adapter did not run, exited unexpectedly, or was killed.
This can happen if java.exe was not found in the PATH,
or if java.exe is too old or not compatible (the version of JAVA required is 1.5
 or later),
or Configuration File does not have write permissions,
or some other error occurred.
Please refer to the readme.txt file in the adapter package."

It will be very helpful for me if you can help me to resolve this issue.


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Neil Wang (1) | answered Sep 23 '13, 3:25 a.m.
 I've met the some issue. And the server information is as below:

About the Rational Jazz Team Server

Version: 4.0.3
Build Information Version Build ID
Jazz Foundation - Core Libraries 4.0.3 RJF-I20130515-1759

Client Access License Types Assigned to user Administrator(Admin)

Product Version Type Variant
Rational Requirements Composer 4.0 Analyst Trial
Rational Team Concert 4.0 Contributor Trial
Rational Team Concert 4.0 ClearQuest Synchronizer 1 Included
Rational Team Concert 4.0 Build System Included-50
Rational Quality Manager 4.0 Quality Professional Trial
Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management 4.0.1 Contributor Trial
Rational Quality Manager 4.0 Connector Included
4.0 TRS Consumer-Internal Internal
Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management 4.0.1 Practitioner Trial
4.0 Data Collector Internal
Rational Team Concert 4.0 Stakeholder Trial
Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management 4.0.1 Stakeholder Trial
Rational Team Concert 4.0 Developer Trial
Rational Team Concert 4.0 ClearCase Synchronizer Included
Rational Quality Manager 4.0 Contributor Trial
Rational Requirements Composer 4.0 Contributor Trial
Rational Team Concert 4.0 Developer for IBM Enterprise Platforms Trial
To manage installed licenses, visit the License Key Management page.
For updates and information, see

Could anyone offer any hints for this issue?

VK L commented Sep 23 '13, 4:58 a.m.

Hi Neil,

            Is your issue related to licenses? Server version is 4.0.3 & licenses are for 4.0 and 4.0.1.


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Ara Masrof (3.2k15) | answered Sep 23 '13, 7:45 a.m.
A couple of things to check: 
  • Verify that the URL is in format : "https://qmserver:port/qm" or "https://qmserver:port/jazz" (If you are using 2.x context root)
  • Verify that the User credentials:  "Quality Professional" license isavailable and repository permissions have been granted
  • Verify that the project area is being reference correctly eg: JKE%20Banking%20%28Quality%20Management%29 if it has special chars in the name. The above name is for "JKE Banking (Quality Management)"

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Marc van Lint (852129) | answered Nov 12 '13, 5:33 a.m.
Facing same error. All these are correct. Running 404 in trail/demonstration mode.
[main] ERROR                    - Encountered an error while validating the specified server information.  Status code: 3

11:26:52,290 [main]  WARN                    - Configuration file C:\CCProject\CMDAdapter\RQMCommandLineAdapter\Config2.ini does not exist, adapter will use the arguments passed
11:26:52,571 [main]  INFO                        - Successfully created an HTTP client
11:26:52,836 [main]  INFO                        - The adapter is now connected
11:26:53,054 [main] ERROR                    - Encountered an error while validating the specified server information.  Status code: 3

Ara Masrof commented Nov 12 '13, 8:15 a.m.


The command line adapter will include its own log4j file as a part of the install package; this can be modified to capture additional data for debugging various issue

Modify the file that is included with the adapter to enable additional debugging capabilities. Open this file with a text editor and look for the following two lines:

They should be modified as such:

Once these changes are made, restart the adapter. Check the adapter log after a failure is encountered; there will be additional information in the log that may help solve this isseu


Marc van Lint commented Nov 12 '13, 2:24 p.m.

Thanks for the reply. I used a go.bat script which set the java-home and kicked off the start command. This worked for me in an certain image (was lost). In that there was stated -project ... I overlooked that, clearly in the documentation is stated -projectArea. When I changed that it worked nicely.
I have the impression that I wrongly documented my stuff or over time the -project became -projectArea.
Now we know. Thx

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