Getting 500Server error with OSLC since 6.0.3-Rational-CLM-ifix006
Hello all,
i created a little tool using the OSLC interface to get information about builds in the RQM. I followed the link to the Build definition to get the needed informations with OSLC. Everything worked fine.
After the update " 6.0.3-Rational-CLM-ifix006" i receive following error:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="https://MYSERVER/qm/web/"?>
<rdf:RDF xmlns:calm="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:rqm_qm="" xmlns:ns9="" xmlns:oslc="" xmlns:oslc_qm="" xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:ns6="" xmlns:ns10="" xmlns:ns11="" xmlns:dcterms="">
<oslc:Error ns12:type="oslc:Error" xmlns:ns12=""> <oslc:statusCode>500</oslc:statusCode>
<oslc:message>AQXCM5011E A server error occurred while running the HTTP operation, GET, at this URL: https://MYSERVER/qm/rqm_build/contexts/_VpoksBXnEeayuddYD89kbA/resources/ The response code is 500. </oslc:message>
<oslc:moreInfo rdf:resource="https://MYSERVER/clmhelp/topic/"/>
Has anybody an idea?
Best Regards
One answer
Sascha, can you please oopen a RQM defect with the details of your scenario and your RQM logs? Whenever a RQM plublic API returns 500, we need to investigate.
Note, we're building a new OSLC QM API for build definitions/records in RQM 6.0.5 (see Improved LQE reporting - Build record, category improvements (163160)).
Donald Nong
Aug 10 '17, 5:58 a.m.It only mentions an HTTP 500 code. You need to check the qm.log file for more details.