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PPM tool and RTC integration (eg. ChangePoint, Clarity,..)

Sandra Santos (3212525) | asked Dec 21 '12, 1:06 p.m.

Any experience to share about PPM tool and RTC integration ?

Would like to have use cases and requirements for this kind of integration,

Any material will be welcome.


sam detweiler commented Apr 04 '14, 8:26 a.m.

Kovair Omnibus provides integration to CA Clarity. and has easy config and a decent workflow engine to manage how you want to do the integration.. (all no coding) 

3 answers

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Canberk Akduygu (99237371) | answered Apr 04 '14, 7:31 a.m.

We have integrated HP PPM and Jazz Tools on a project creation and role assignment basis.

We have a batch job to create Lifecycle Project and assign PPM's staffing profile to each application with necessary roles.

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Wagner Arnaut (1162714) | answered Apr 11 '14, 3:16 p.m.

could you share your batch job to create Lifecycle Project and assign PPM's staffing profile to each application with necessary roles?

Best Regards

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Canberk Akduygu (99237371) | answered Apr 18 '14, 2:12 a.m.
edited Apr 18 '14, 2:18 a.m.
Hi Wagner,

My code is based on example.
As the code belongs to my company, I can't share it.

But in case you have a question, you can send me a message.

We als have a web service based integration betweeen CA Help Desk and RTC. That's esasy to implements. I also recommend to use Eclipse Lyo to integrate tools.

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