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Agile implementation in RTC for different projects under one project area

Ankit Vashistha (125927) | asked Jan 02 '19, 2:04 a.m.


I have one project which consists of development of different multiple sub projects individually.
Now I want my Agile implementation in such a way that, product backlog to be the part of one main project say "ABC". And multiple sub projects like "ABC1" , "ABC2", to be part of that main project where they follow the same development timeline as defined in main project area ABC and they fetch their product backlog and then start following scrum as release backlog and sprint backlog.

Currently I have created one main project which is having development timeline and iterations under them as release and sprints.

Now I have created another project by the name of that sub project and defined teams in that which is linked in associations with that main project area. Now when i create user stories in main project area I am not able to assign those user stories to the product backlog of sub projects.

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Amy Silberbauer (30657) | answered Jan 07 '19, 3:33 p.m.
If I understand you correctly, you have three individual project area "instances": ABC, ABC1, ABC2. ABC is the team-of-teams level and ABC1 and ABC2 manage teams delivering work for the ABC level. Is that correct? In this case, each of the timelines is individually specified -- it is a manual process. You would need to make sure you define the timeline precisely the same (same names, same start/end dates) in each project area. It is certainly possible to have a single view of work at the ABC level that shows what you want, but you essentially are mimicking a shared timeline by simply making them look the same. Does that make sense?

The other option (which may be preferrable) is to have a single project area ABC, with two Team Areas ABC1 and ABC2 and sub-team areas under those. That way you have all work in a single project with a single timeline. The downside is one of scale and access. That is, I would need to better understand how many users you need to support and whether or not read access is an issue across this single project area.

I have worked with customers that use both approaches.
Ankit Vashistha selected this answer as the correct answer

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