Possible to include additional work item info when linking a work item in comments?
When writing a description or comments for a work item, I know one can link another work item by just using something like "work item <number>".
Is it possible to extract any information from that to include in the refering work item?
I thought I had seen what the notation was, but am unable to find it...
Geoffrey Clemm
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Dec 20 '12, 12:54 p.m.Can you elaborate on what you mean by "extract information from that to include in the referring work item"?
Arne Bister
JAZZ DEVELOPER Dec 20 '12, 1:13 p.m.Scott, if you mean to display attribute values of the linked work item in a comment, even if there is a notation for this I don't think you would be happy:
The attribute value would be rendered once in the comment ; if the linked work item changed, this would not be reflected in the (immutable) comment text.
What makes the hover info displayed for the linked work item not work for your use case?
Scott Chapman
Dec 20 '12, 1:47 p.m.Sorry, I thought there was a mechanism to extract specific properties of the referenced work item (for example to include the headline from the work item).
John Riendeau
JAZZ DEVELOPER Dec 20 '12, 2:02 p.m.Though this doesn't help the general case, nor get around the immutable-comment-text issue that Arne mentions above, when I'm linking from one work item to another in the comments, and the headline of the target work item would give useful context, I do the following in the Eclipse client:
Open the target work item. Click the down arrow next to the defect number at the very top, and choose "copy ID and summary" from the menu.
Paste into the comments section of the other defect. You'll get a link that includes the summary and the work item number.
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