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Can process configuration affect work item save in Web UI vs RTC Client ?

Kevin Ramer (4.5k9185200) | asked Dec 13 '12, 9:18 a.m.
Users report work item save in Web UI doesn't work (at least in a timely fashion).  The 'Saving...' appears and remains after several minutes (verified by me).  Other projects in the same repository do not exhibit this behavior.  Saving work item from RTC client is fine.

I had the browser Error Console and upon the save the "Errors" showed:

ItemProxy:setValue -> attributeId is null cannot be null along with a URI ending /web/_js/?include and other mentioning line 10173

I checked the Operation Behavior and only "Required Attributes" is configured and there just for Filed Against and Summary.   A couple of work item types have been customized with a number of new attributes and checking for attribute usage shows many work items do not have all attributes.

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Brian Fleming (1.6k11928) | answered Dec 13 '12, 1:29 p.m.
Is it possible you're running into this defect:

Kevin Ramer commented Dec 13 '12, 1:35 p.m.

Maybe, but the deliver was in Oct and we installed 4.0.1, which came out Nov 27 IIRC.   I see there's a link for hot request.  Guess we get to open another PMR this week.

Kevin Ramer commented Jan 08 '13, 6:15 p.m.

We've solved this for our situation.  What we found was that in an editor presentation was an entry that when 'edited' looked like a non-attribute presentation.  But it was labeled '[x]String'  ( picture [x] as the red x on the lower left of the icon ).  

Removing this entry from the presentation allows new and existing work items to be saved. 

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