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How do I remove a duplicate userid?

We sync our user list via LDAP to Active Directory. Somehow, I have not a clue how, we ended up with a single AD user with duplicate userids inside RTC. Trying to archive the bogus duplicate via the web interface fails with this lovely error:
The user could not be archived because of the following issue: 'Internal Server Error'. For more details, open the help system and search for CRJAZ1517E.
Any idea how I expunge the unwanted entry? Or is it PMR time?
4.0.2, Linux, Websphere under the hood.
2 answers

You must change the userid of one of the two.
Because you are LDAP integrated you have to enable modify user id in advanced properties.
After this you can archive the unwanted user.
Check that you have archived the correct one by checking that assigned artifactes are after the whole procedure assigned to the active userid.

There is a technote below for steps to enable user modification when LDAP is used. The steps should still be good for version 4.x