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scm (lscm) --xcompare (external comparison tool) option does not appear to work

Hopefully this is just a configuration issue, but I'm unable to get the graphical comparison tool to run for scm.
Linux, RHEL 6.1
CCM 5.0.1
scm set pref external.compare.3way "kdiff3 \${ancestorFilePath} \${file1Path} \${file2Path} --L1 \"\${ancestorFileTitle}\" --L2 \"\${file1Title}\" --L3 \"\${file2Title}\" --output \${mergeFilePath}"
scm set pref external.compare.2way "kdiff3 \${file1Path} \${file2Path} --L1 \"\${file1Title}\" --L2 \"\${file2Title}\" --output \${mergeFilePath}"
scm diff -r local --xcompare -w 1007 -c 1009 baseline 1257 baseline 1200 --show c
The differences are displayed to the screen versus using kdiff3.
I see nothing of relevance in any log file (had log set to FINEST). I replaced kdiff3 with a personal script and confirmed it was never even attempted to be executed.
What else is required to get the external compare tool to work. Also, is there a way to use this within Eclipse? I see the external compare tool settings, but there doesn't appear to be a way to use it for compare baselines (only files).