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RTC eclipse client configuration changes disturbing other process configuration xml

kavita herur (5876894) | asked Dec 06 '12, 8:59 a.m.

Hi All,

 I have RTC eclipse client from plain zip file. I did few configuration changes to project area. The added featuers work for project area but othe features are not working. xml code for old features from process configuration source code is missing.

 The same is used to happen for eclipse client RTC3.0.1 .I used to compare in beyond compare and copy the process source code and save. Then it was fine.

But in eclipse client RTC4.0.01 its worst than I am not able to compare. few codes arearraged hapzardly.

  <precondition description="Verifies that a work item can only be saved if all required attributes are given." id="" name="Dynamic Required Attributes" xmlns="">

 <precondition xmlns="" description="Verifies that a work item can only be saved if all required attributes are given." id="" name="Dynamic Required Attributes">

few more code .. that is missing also.

 this is line of code arragnged in hapzard after making few changes to process configuration.

please let me know what is problem and how it should be resolved.



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sam detweiler (12.5k6195201) | answered Dec 06 '12, 9:58 a.m.
sorry, don't quite understand what  you are saying.

there is no guaranteed order of the resulting XML in the process configuration.

Now, I think you said

you have a server
and are using a client to access this server and modify the process configuration of a project.
After save of the Process Configuration modifications, it appears some features were removed from the configuration. (which you confirmed by comparing the before and after Process Config XML source.)

you said the same problem occurred using a client, but using the compare program you were able to find the missing XML and manually copy it back in.

but you cannot do that now, as the source is re-arranged

I always try to use XMLDIFF as it takes the document structure into account, not the physical placement.

the bigger question is why does the xml get removed in the first place.. this makes it sound like it doesn't match the required schema.


kavita herur commented Dec 06 '12, 11:59 p.m.

my query is not related to rtc server. its all about rtc eclipse client.

 Next part what you mentioned is correct

  After save of the Process Configuration modifications, it appears some features were removed from the configuration. (which you confirmed by comparing the before and after Process Config XML source).

 is this issue related to eclipse client? this behaviour is present in rtc eclipse client 3.0.1 and rtc eclipse client4.0.0.1  I took these zip files from all download link.

At last you mentioned it doesnt match schema. what is schema?  how to set it up. 

please suggest any solution.



sam detweiler commented Dec 07 '12, 8:15 a.m.

I don't understand your first comment.. the process config data is stored on the server.
the eclipse client provides a UI over the API used to manage the data.

the schema for the source is not published. it is attached to some of the server plugin jar files. but which, and its content are not published.

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