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Calculated value script using for enumeration-based attribute

Hi All,
I have 2 custom enumeration attributes -> for e.g. probability and impact. I have a 3rd enumeration attribute whose value depends on the combination of these 2. I am getting a general loader error for the script. My script is:
dojo.provide("com.ibm. workitems.providers.test");
dojo.require("com.ibm.team. workitem.api.common. WorkItemAttributes");
(function() {
var WorkItemAttributes= com.ibm.team.workitem.api. common.WorkItemAttributes;
dojo.declare("com.ibm. workitems.providers.test", null, {
getValue: function(attribute, workItem, configuration) {
var Prob = workItem.getValue("com.ibm. team.workitem.workItemType. risk.probability");
var Imp = workItem.getValue("com.ibm. team.workitem.workItemType. risk.impact");
if (prob == "risk.probability.literal.l1" && imp = = "risk.impact.literal.l5")
Var att = "WorkItemMeasurement.literal. l7";
return att;
Please advise.
Ralph Schoon
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Feb 25 '13, 7:06 a.m.Hi Vally, please consider to tidy up your post, I can hardly read anything there is too much clutter. For code you can use the [pre] tag around code.