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Where can I find the detailed descriptions of the workflow for default work items in Formal and Scrum process?

Jirong Hu (1.5k9293258) | asked Nov 30 '12, 4:03 p.m.
 Is there any official document explains what these states means and how they are transited?


Dan Evans commented Jan 23 '13, 8:08 a.m.

Did you have any luck in finding this information as I'd be quite interested myself.

Many thanks,


2 answers

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Norman Dignard (356694176) | answered Dec 03 '12, 10:21 a.m.
I've asked the same question from IBM but still have not had a reply.
The only I can think of is to create a project using whatever out-of-the-box process you want then go into each record type to see its workflows etc..

I'd be interested if you find  anything out.

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Scott Crouch (48532426) | answered Jan 23 '13, 10:07 p.m.
 You might take a look at I've used this before to generate the state diagram of a workflow. Pretty handy for a quick visual.

Norman Dignard commented Jan 24 '13, 10:11 a.m.

I've tried it however it does not work for all cases. For example in 4.x I set up a new project using RM (in our case DOORS NG) RTC & QM, using IBM's formal process model.    This does not create any "templates" that i found to export.  Using their pre-canned templates file, located on the server, I ran the visualizer. It drew a pretty picture but all the text in the transition diagram were variables. There were several process templates like this. I could not fine the variable definitions and had to default to doing the mapping manually from within each app.

Note also that even though different process models sited the same variable, they did not equate to the same values.

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