Convert UUID and back
Accepted answer
If you are looking for the uuid's of streams, workspaces, components etc. I think the best way to accomplish this would be using the command line with the -u y switches. The VS plugin includes a copy of the scmtools directory which you can use to issue the command. For example:
C:\IBM\Rational Team Concert Client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE\3rd Party\sc
mtools\eclipse>scm -u y list workspaces -r vinyl
(1011:_UR1hQFBNEeKHgI1QuVhlPw) "Aspect Stream WASADM" wasadm
(1012:_apmZ4AfmEeKjWs6iTeOtnA) "Aspect Stream Workspace" crawfomj
(1013:_lUfEMXIeEeKHbrIQY1TC5w) "Aspect Stream Workspace" kweinert
(1014:_VCp2kC6VEeKyvZZXndtVNQ) "Aspect Stream Workspace2" crawfomj
(1015:_PP0CYBxuEeGnFvehxbM5rg) "build.brm.continuous" Build
(1016:_PM3cEBxuEeGnFvehxbM5rg) "build.eem.continuous" Build
(1017:_PKI4MBxuEeGnFvehxbM5rg) "" Build
(1018:_PF7GkBxuEeGnFvehxbM5rg) "build.jke.production" Build
(1019:_PDQ0IBxuEeGnFvehxbM5rg) "" Build
(1020:_PA2ZUBxuEeGnFvehxbM5rg) "" Build
3 other answers
Hi Devid, you can see the UUID's of objects in the VS plugin by right clicking on a resource and selecting view Jazz Properties and expanding the show uuid's tree:
Thanks Josh. I found a quicker way. On stream click with right mouse button, select Copy URL. UUID is on the end of the url.
Ok, this is a way, how get UUID from object. But more important question (for me) is, how to convert UUID to object (in VS plug-in or on command line, I don't care). Is RTC able to do this?