Migrate and combine 2 projects in RQM from different databases

We have a RQM 4.0 windows server running tomcat and DB2 with our test assets. We now need to migrate another project from RQM4.0 running on another server that is using Derby database. From reading the forum we can migrate from Derby to DB2 using repotools but will that blow away our existing test assets on DB2??
Basically we want to create a new project in RQM and fill it with the migrated data from derby so we can see have access to both projects (both using DB2).
Accepted answer

Yes migrating from Derby to DB2 is possible , but that does not mean that you can merge two repositories.
However you can consider copying artifacts from one server [DERBY] to another [DB2] using Copy Utility.
However you can consider copying artifacts from one server [DERBY] to another [DB2] using Copy Utility.

Hi Pramod
Thanks for the reply. Can everything be moved to the same DB2 database?
- History (TER, work items, requirement change history)
- Attachments
- Links betweem projects
- Metrics
- Reporting
- User and Roles

No You can't copy every bit of information.
> History of the resource will be lost
> Not every artifacts can be copied so it is not 100% migration of repository