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Firefox 14.0 suported RTC/RQM ?

Fabio Seiji (111) | asked Nov 26 '12, 3:16 p.m.
When user uses RQM, generates defects, it hangs when saving.

2 answers

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Ara Masrof (3.2k15) | answered Nov 26 '12, 4:09 p.m.
The System Requirements for Rational Team Concert 3.0.1.x and  Rational Quality Manager 3.0.1.x can be found here:

The supported browsers are as follows:
•Firefox 10 Extended Support Release (ESR)
(new for 
•Firefox 3.6
•Internet Explorer 8
•Internet Explorer 7
•Macromedia Flash Player 8 (version, codenamed Maelstrom) (August 2005) for graphical view in Work Item Statistics dashboard viewlet

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Fabio Seiji (111) | answered Nov 27 '12, 8:13 a.m.
thanks for the info

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