What is release dates for the future CLM releases?
Accepted answer
the midyear release is usually around their Innovate conference which is June 1-5 this year.
(end of February + 3 months is end of May, right before Innovate).
my last two companies were trying to get to a 1 release behind cycle.
But still we do not know if release expected in May/June will be 4.1, 4.0.7 or 5.0?
This is not published in advance. You can get an Idea if you look at https://jazz.net/downloads/rational-team-concert/ and look at the numbers. These are of course working numbers and might change. You can get a better idea of the planning if you go to https://jazz.net/products/rational-team-concert/whats-happening#plan and from there to the project dashboard and look at the plan dates.
Again, please note, these numbers are not official. It gets official when the official announcement is sent or, when it becomes generally available for download.
Thanks Ralph!
Found this page which gives (current) pointer to what is going on with development and future releases.
I know the dates can be changed. But it helped me a lot in the decision making for my current project :DÂ
Hi Thomas, just thought you might be interested by this link too:
https://jazz.net/jazz/admin#action=com.ibm.team.process.editProjectArea&itemId=_0rSUcMixEd6A25wBGCmItw&tabId=com.ibm.team.process.web.Timelines ... where you can see how the 'Main Development' timeline is structured from within the CLM RTC Application Administration itself.