Error occurred while creating Data warehouse tables in RTC
An error occurred while creating Data warehouse tables in RTC
Using IBM DB2 as database.
ID CRJAZ1745E - An error occurred while creating data warehouse failed.
CRRTC8030E The Creation of the data warehouse failed. Create Temporary Tablespace 32K IN DATABASE PARTITION GROUP IBMTEMPGROUP PAGESIZE 327688 MANAGED BY SYSTEM USING (" C:\DW") BUFFERPOOLBPTEMP32K at
2 answers
Hmm. The "PAGESIZE 327688" I think should be 32768 or 32 K instead.
Also be certain that the ID connecting to the database has SYSADM authority.
Also be certain that the ID connecting to the database has SYSADM authority.
Hi Kevin,
The Database is created with 32K pagesize and the ID has full Permissions.
The other Databases which are created similary are used for JTS & CCM without any errors.
So, the 327688 is a typo ? Is there an SQLXXXXN message in the same vicinity? If so in a DB2 command window (not for issuing db2 sql) type: db2 ? SQLXXXXN where the SQL code is the one reported in the log.
Hi Kevin,
There is no SQLXXXXN message in the error.
There should be log file somewhere that has the SQL error code and more detail. Were you doing this via the "setup" page of the Jazz Team Server ?
Hi Kevin,
Yes. I got this error on the setup page.
Try to find the location of the JTS log file. Relative to the install I would look at the
files: server\conf\ and server\conf\jts\
Look for this line:
Then locate the file referenced there and open in a text editor. There should be lots of information there.