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RRC Traceability report in excel format with valid http links to artifacts

Chidambaram L (23414287) | asked Nov 19 '12, 10:59 a.m.
RRC 4.0.1 M3 exports the Validated By links to csv format. csv export can be done after creating a view. This is nice as the users are used to Traceability matrix in matrix format and not a word format.

csv format cannot retain the http links to the artifacts. How to export to matrix (spreadsheet) format & retain the links.

How can I implement this ? Tools complimentary to CLM like RRDI & RRDG can also be used.

3 answers

permanent link
Edgar Ignacio Velazquez Mar (7225) | answered Nov 21 '12, 5:55 p.m.
If you take a look at the Traceability report you get a table with the live links. You can copy and customize this report using RPE to get the kind of output you want and export to Word or PDF to get the output.

Chidambaram L commented Nov 22 '12, 11:36 p.m.

@edgarv, Traceability report in (Reports link --> Generate report document) generates live links in word (or html) & pdf format. I could not see the report in as reports are not published in sandbox. But I am looking for a spreadsheet report in any format (excel / html / word); x axis will contain link types and y axis will requirements.

permanent link
Steve Arnold (28131511) | answered Nov 26 '12, 10:05 a.m.

I would try this in RRDI.  It sounds like columns for requirement name, link type and link.  Then set the link type as a cross tab to get requirements going down, link types across and the links on the intersections.

Hope this helps


permanent link
Girish Patil (1111) | answered Oct 07 '13, 3:24 a.m.

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