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How to migrate customize life cycle to other environment

pan tianming (4765644) | asked Nov 08 '12, 4:12 a.m.
We want to customize life cycle for our special case. But we have multiple environments, like dev env and test env.
If we develop a life cycle on dev env, how to migrate it to test env also? Must directly insert to RAM DB something?

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Gili Mendel (1.8k56) | answered Nov 08 '12, 9:17 a.m.
edited Nov 08 '12, 9:18 a.m.
No simple way to do it today:  import and export asset lifecycles and policies (34506)

The following is "at your own risk" kind of thing ... make sure to put your sit belt and helmet on ;=)
Backup first!!!!

For the workflow (if you made any changes), Open (from the Eclipse client) the lifecycle project, and from the Process Configuration Source tab, copy the <configuration-data> over... but, the fragile thing here, are the id= kind of thing.  If you copy it all, you should be fine, if you pick and choose, make sure that these are consistent.

For the lifecycle itself (in RAM), you can GET/PUT on these URLs ... but you will have to send Accept: application/rdf+xml

Also make same policy governors are loaded
for Atom feed of masters,  and for a specific configuration of a
For a community lifecycle:

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