Statistics tab in the community home page customizable?

2 answers

RAM contains lots of OpenSocial gadgets. They are
- Asset search list: Displays search results in list format for keywords or a Rational Asset Manager search shortcut.
- Pending approvals: Displays pending approvals for the current user.
- Recently modified: Displays the ten most recently modified or submitted assets.
- Popular assets: Displays the most popular assets.
- Download counts: Displays download counts for assets.
- Asset search graph: Displays search results in graph format for keywords or a Rational Asset Manager search shortcut.
- Disk space consumed: Displays the disk space used by assets.
- Time in state: Displays the time that assets have been in their current state.
In the mean time, you could consider creating a 'Statistics Asset'. Submit an asset to the community, add the open social gadgets you like, and make sure all users have read only access. Then you could add a link to it from the community home page.