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Statistics tab in the community home page customizable?

Sripriya Karimpuzhasriram (134852) | asked Aug 01 '13, 1:47 p.m.

Hello team,

We are using RAM and would like to know whether :

1.) the auto-populated existing dashboards/viewlets in the "Statistics" tab of a community home page are customizable

2.) is it possible to add more new viewlets/dashboards to this page?

Thanks in Advance!

2 answers

permanent link
Rich Kulp (3.6k38) | answered Aug 01 '13, 7:51 p.m.
The statics tab is not customizable.

permanent link
Sheehan Anderson (1.2k4) | answered Aug 05 '13, 12:06 p.m.
 RAM contains lots of OpenSocial gadgets.  They are 
  • Asset search list: Displays search results in list format for keywords or a Rational Asset Manager search shortcut. 
  • Pending approvals: Displays pending approvals for the current user.
  • Recently modified: Displays the ten most recently modified or submitted assets.
  • Popular assets: Displays the most popular assets.  
  • Download counts: Displays download counts for assets. 
  • Asset search graph: Displays search results in graph format for keywords or a Rational Asset Manager search shortcut.
  • Disk space consumed: Displays the disk space used by assets.
  • Time in state: Displays the time that assets have been in their current state.
They are customizable and can be added to assets and the My Dashboard page, but unfortunately they can't be added to the community page.  This would be a good enhancement if you wish to open one.

In the mean time, you could consider creating a 'Statistics Asset'.  Submit an asset to the community, add the open social gadgets you like, and make sure all users have read only access.  Then you could add a link to it from the community home page. 

Sripriya Karimpuzhasriram commented Aug 16 '13, 6:54 a.m.

Thanks Sheehan.

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