Change Test Environment in Test Execution Record
Is it possible to change the Test Environment and Test Plan of a Test Execution Record??
I realize these should be set by the tester when the TER is initially created, but we are stuck with quite a few old TERs where this was not done and correcting this “after the fact” is a valid QC effort.
We're running RQM 3.0.1.
Accepted answer
You can change Testplan as long TCER has not been executed, RQM allow this assuming you assigned wrong Test plan while generating TCER. Once execution is done it does not allow changing it.
Test Environment is immutable property of TCER
So how to change Test environment and iterations before execution in TSER and TCER?
You can't change Test Environment
To change plan or iteration, goto Testcase Execution record view
Select all TCER which you wants to change
Select action icon on the column say Iteration
It will bring up a window to change new value
Note: While changing test plan, make sure you select all TER of same testcase at a time
Is it possible in TSER also?
No, it is not
Brian Lahaie
Jul 07 '16, 2:04 p.m.In later releases of RQM there is more flexibility of when a Test Execution Records Test Environment can be changed. More specifically, under "Manage Project Properties" there is a section labeled, "Execution Record Preferences". Under this section there is the option for allowing "changes to the test environment setting after the record is created".