Code Coverage Information in Test Results
3 answers
You did not indicate which version of the CLM tools you are using, or whether you are using RQM with Rational Team Concert (aka RTC aka Change and Configuration Management (CCM)). However, if you are using version 6.0.6 and are using RTC with RQM then consider the following:
This new feature in RQM 6.0.6 allows you to link files managed in RTC (such as Code Coverage Report Files) with Test Case Results, Test Suite Results, (among other RQM test artifacts, though Test Plans are not included).
The only inconvenience is that (today) you can only create the links using the RTC Eclipse Client, but once created you can view the links in the RTC and RQM browsers.
You could create a custom attribute on a test case result or manual script step/result to store small amounts of text data. For larger amounts, you could create a custom rich text field in the test plan or test case or use the Notes rich text section on the test case result.
Hi Paul,
Unfortunately, no (see enhancement Provide "notes" rich text in test suite results (142727)).
Kalyan Balasa
Feb 15 '19, 11:00 a.m.