What can I do if my re-imaged RTC server fails to startup, with a lot of SSL errors? (Help!)
I had to reimage my server that hosted my RTC system. The RTC system was housed on a RAID storage volumn and the data wasn't affected by the reinstallation of the OS. When I try to start the RTC Server with the server.startup.bat I get a lot of errors related to SSL at one point it states the following "java.net.BindException: Address already in use: NET_Bind:443" and the server fails to startup. What are my options? Do I do a new installation of RTC and if so is there a way to import all of my existing project and user data...I'm completely lost at this point
One answer
Hmm sounds like something else is using that port before your RTC server gets to start up.
Maybe a default web server (Microsoft Internet Information Server) was installed with your OS?
Try to access "https://localhost" in a browser and see what responds. This might point you in the right direction.
Maybe a default web server (Microsoft Internet Information Server) was installed with your OS?
Try to access "https://localhost" in a browser and see what responds. This might point you in the right direction.
Hi Morten,
Thanks for the suggestion, IIS is not running on this server.... Any other ideas?
Hmm, did you access https://localhost or whatever the server name is?
This might work best if you access it using remote desktop and invoke https://localhost in the browser.
Else try to connect to the server with "telnet myserver 443" and see if you get a connection refused.
I'd like to verify, if something really is running on this port.
Richard Knaster
Nov 03 '12, 2:03 a.m.What version of RTC are you using? Are you using local host in your URL or have you defined a name for localhost in the Windows hosts file.