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Referencing a html page from Jazz server

One answer

On 01-Dec-09 4:23 PM, marly wrote:
Do you mean from a viewlet for example?
The way I have found was deploying to Jazz Server (Tomcat or WebSphere)
an "empty" Web Application, moving such HTML page to this Web
Application and adding an <iframe> tag to the HTML Viewlet. The reason
for such process is because browsers forbid the usage of file:// URL.
Hope this helps,
How can I reference a html page stored locally for instance from a
Jazz web server?
Do you mean from a viewlet for example?
The way I have found was deploying to Jazz Server (Tomcat or WebSphere)
an "empty" Web Application, moving such HTML page to this Web
Application and adding an <iframe> tag to the HTML Viewlet. The reason
for such process is because browsers forbid the usage of file:// URL.
Hope this helps,