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Predefined Work Items in Process Templates

Muktar Mohammed (1311924) | asked Oct 31 '12, 3:35 p.m.

I've created a work item template that consists stories and tasks.  I like these work items to be created when instantiating new project.  I've tried to set this in Project Configuration --> Project Area Initialization -->  Setup Project but I couldn't find a way to select the Work Item Template I created.

Is what I'm trying to do possible?  If so how do I go about it?

Thank you.

shaomin xing commented Nov 01 '12, 4:21 a.m.

As I know, work item template is in Project scope, before the project is initialized, we cannot use work item template. 

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Nov 01 '12, 10:34 a.m.
edited Nov 01 '12, 10:37 a.m.

you have to export your process template from the project area where you defined it. This can be done in the Eclipse and, I believe in the Web UI. Then you can import the template with another name and use it instead of one of the other process templates when creating a new project.

You could also the capability to share a process to provide your process to other project areas that were created with the unconfigured process. 

You can probably change the Project area initialization to create other work items of a different type too, if that is what you desire. In this case you have to change the process in your project area in the mentioned section, then, again, export the customized process as template and deploy it at your server.  
Muktar Mohammed selected this answer as the correct answer

Ralph Schoon commented Nov 01 '12, 11:37 a.m. | edited Nov 01 '12, 11:38 a.m.

I think I misunderstood your question. I would agree to schaomin xing, that you can probably not use work item templates in the project setup configuration shown above. The automation might also just be limited to work item types.

Muktar Mohammed commented Nov 01 '12, 4:14 p.m.

Hi Shaomin & Ralph,

Thank you for your replies.

Then how do I go about setting up work items that I want to be created during project creation/initialization?


Muktar Mohammed commented Nov 05 '12, 4:13 p.m.


Can anybody please help me with creating work items that will be generated when instantiating new project space from a customized process template?

Thank you in advance.

Martha (Ruby) Andrews commented Nov 05 '12, 7:40 p.m.

Hi Muktar,
You cannot point to a Work Item template, but you can use the Setup Project  follow-up action in the Project Area Initialization section to define the work items.
Do the following:
Open your template in the editor
Click on Process Configuration tab
Navigate to Project Configuration > Project Area Initialization
Click Add.. under the Server follow-up actions
Select Setup Project
  A new section with a UI for customizing the Setup Project action will appear
Click New Template
Enter the Summary, Type, Category path, Description of the work item you want created when the process template is instantiated

Martha (Ruby) Andrews
Jazz L3 Developer

Muktar Mohammed commented Nov 06 '12, 2:58 p.m.

I guess that's the way to go.  Thank you Ruby.

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