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Trying to show work item properties other than id and summary

John McLean (2113) | asked Oct 30 '12, 5:56 p.m.
edited Oct 30 '12, 5:57 p.m.
How do I go about adding something other than the id (${id}) or summary (${summary}) to a wiki formatted page for a product backlog in RTC?

I'm trying to format a table with the work item's "planned for" and other attributes/properties of the work item.

Ideally I'd be looking at something like this:
|Work Item Id | Summary | Planned For | Owner |
| [[Work Item 12345|${id} | [[Work Item 12345|${summary}]] | [[Work Item 12345|${PlannedFor}]] | [[Work Item 12345|${Owner}]] |

While I'm at it, I'd like to know the child items too.

Where can I find the docs that list out those attributes/properties for RTC

One answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Nov 05 '12, 2:53 a.m.

looking at the help in the 4.0 Eclipse client I can only find the information below. I would assume you can't specify more attributes, since someone would have to code it up. I also assume you can't get at the links/references.

[[Defect 54321 |${summary} (${id})]]

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