2 questions on RQM, ClearQuest and Insight ?
2. When trying to view the data in reports I am unable to join the execution results with the results related requests as there is no common key. I am able though to make it work if I start with request and add the results related requests - it seems like it should work both ways? Am I doing something wrong. Also I don't see where or if the table execres_request_lookup get materialized. If I look at that with db2 client I see the expected request id, result_id pairs and have verified them.
2 answers
2. When authoring reports, you can drag executionresult_id from Execution Result in Execution Result Area and request_id from Execution Result Related Requests in Execution Result Area. They have been joined by execres_request_lookup in Framework Manager so you don not need to join them in report. You can drag them from Request Area as well.
thank you for your response. On question 1, I assume I would load the CQ category table into request_category using the dbid as the id and name as the component name. When I fetch the defect data I would get the component name from there as it is in our schema and then lookup the id in the request_category table and then deliver the id I get into the request table? I want to minimize changing the fm model or dw tables as it can cause problems on upgrades.
For question 1, yes if you don't use CQ category, you can load CQ component data into that table and then lookup component id (althrough it is named as category id) and deliver into request table as CATEGORY_ID because there is an foreign key constrain in data warehouse.
About how to show them in reports design, please refer to Hopeshared Lee's reply.
Hi - yes that is the way I am doing it - I verified that the execres_request_lookup table had the correct data in it by doing db2 selects and then comparing the ids with what was found in rqm user interface and it all verified. Yes I run the CQ job before the rqm job when I run the ETLs. It took me a while to get it all working - I guess that having to load the request_history to make it work did not seem obvious to me but finally worked through all the table and columns entries that were necessary so the excecres_request_lookup table got the correct data.