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Unable to load /qm/proxy

Damien Guitard (11133) | asked Oct 30 '12, 5:04 a.m.
We are currently implementing RQM DOORS Web Access  and DOORS and
We can connect to DOORS (DWA) from RQM and I try to link a requirement to a testcase.
With the RQM UI, In the "Requirements" tabs, the "+" button let me to select a requirement with DWA.
When I save the updated testcase, this error occurs :

Une erreur est survenue lors de la sauvegarde de liens provenant du fournisseur d'exigences :
Unable to load /qm/proxy?uri=https%3A%2F%2Fsvmtdwa%3A443%2Fdwa%2Frm%2Furn%3Arational%3A%3A1-3fb1f5a1564f423b-O-4813-00027b60 status:500

Thanks for your help

8 answers

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered Oct 30 '12, 6:48 a.m.
Hi Damien,

I believe this is related to your RQM/DOORS configuration, which may be causing  Could you please use the same defect for both issues?

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Scarlett Li (20149) | answered Oct 30 '12, 10:01 a.m.
is there any special characters in the requirements on DOORs side?

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Damien Guitard (11133) | answered Nov 01 '12, 2:08 p.m.
No. I linked requirement with no special character.

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Hiroshi Hojo (11) | answered Mar 08 '13, 1:21 a.m.
Hi Damien,

I am using RQM 4.0.1 and DOORS 9.5.
I have successfully saved the updated testcase with following method.
In which Sudarshan Rao answered Dec 12 '12, 10:24 a.m.

It may help you.

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Ruben Sousa (065) | answered May 16 '13, 6:01 a.m.


we are having the same issue with the proxy and the http 500 error.

However, happens only for one DOORS project.


1. open any test case in any project in RQM.

2. go to requirements links section and add any requirement stored in DOORS Project 2.

3. Save. All works ok.

4. In the same test case or a different one (doesn't matter) add another requirement stored in DOORS Project 1.

5. Save. Proxy can't be read, error 500.

In doors, the URL for the requirements is exactly the same which the proxy in RQM is trying to reach. So the problem is not malformed URLs or a configuration problem in the name of the server.

Both Doors projects are on the same server, so the problem can't be the https issue.

Linking the requirements from the DOORS side to RQM works over the OSLC interface as expected.

There is only one requirements provider defined for the application and the project area. Re-adding doors as provider in one project didn't fix the issue.

Does anyone have an idea what could be wrong here? It seems an issue on the DOORS side, but I have no expertise and can't access the logs at the moment.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered May 16 '13, 6:29 a.m.
Wondering if it's related to NPE coming from ProxyServlet.service results in 500 errors (211334)?  Can you try the work-around in

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Ruben Sousa (065) | answered May 22 '13, 6:30 a.m.

Unfortunately, I don't get the NPE in connection with this problem.

Actually, I don't see the same error (unable to load /qm/proxy...)  in any of the jazz related logs (qm.log, ccm.log, jazz.log, etc) located under the WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv_CLM_JAZZ\logs folder. The only log which adds an error when this behaviour is observed on the web ui is the CLM_Jazz_Server_exception log. The exception logged there has to do with expired tokens and it occurs also without trying to save a requirement link from RQM.

This is the exception which is repeated in that log file over and over again: 1267 C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv_CLM_JAZZ\logs\ffdc\CLM_JAZZ_server_3e46fe32_13.04.11_16.21.21.594601035360907823653.txt

We have configured DWA, Doors and RQM as instructed except for the https configuration for DWA. Our DWA server listens on http 8070. This configuration has also been already verified as correct.

Possible causes for this error which I think I can discard are following:

  • Wrong configuration of the DWA server - not the problem since we can add links to one Doors project on the same DB using the same instances of DWA, Doors and RQM. The problem is specific to one Doors project.
  • Not sufficient rights for the users to set a link in Doors - seems not to be the problem, since the same users can add the "validated by" links from Doors to RQM and save them without any issue (this is also the current workaround)
  • Null Pointer Exception due to an unnecessary oAuth validation - seems not to be the problem, since every single time a link is set between Doors and RQM from the RQM side the oAuth.log logs "Parameters validated" and "Signature validated".

After activating the log properties for "support" in the festival configuration in Doors I have found one log file which throws an exception clearly related to this issue. The exception doesn't tell me anything conclusive though. This is the exception thrown in the error_misc.log file:

2013-05-21 15:17:56,104 | DEBUG | [          ErrorUtils:449 ] [Message:Creating unchecked exception: Reason [UNKNOWN_ERROR], Exception [Server Exception:
 status    : Failed
 id        : LocalException - Request Failed
 reason    : UNKNOWN_ERROR
 message   :
 exception : ], Content Type [application/xml], OSLC-Core-Version [2.0]][ClientLoggingId:null][ServletLoggingId:9218177754212817474][rmLoggingId:15][SessionId:3BAC165775BF2CD0BED73CCE84BFD3B2][RequestId:20130521151744411][subSystemId:RM_STACK]

Any other ideas or suggestions how can we solve this issue?

A possibly related problem is we get a "Not Supported" pop-up message in RQM when trying to add links to some requirement modules or views to a requirements collection in a Test plan. However, I see no error messages whatsoever in the log files.

Thanks for any further help.

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Paul Slauenwhite (8.4k12) | answered May 22 '13, 6:41 a.m.
I would suggest opening a PMR.

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