Unable to link Testcase with DOORS 9.5 requirement - Unable to load /qm/proxy?uri=https

Using RQM 401, DOORS 9.5 and DWA
Integrated DOORS 9.5 as requirement provider to RQM
When trying to link requirement in Testcase, upon saving testcase i see this error
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Integrated DOORS 9.5 as requirement provider to RQM
When trying to link requirement in Testcase, upon saving testcase i see this error
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Accepted answer

I think there is a internal error in doors side, could you check the the logs in doors side? or could you have a try to re-configure doors in rqm's friends list in RQM's Application Administration page. for more config steps you can get from info center(http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/clmhelp/v4r0/index.jsp). thanks!
One other answer

We saw a similar issue being resolved recently. Problem was with inconsistent naming used in DWA URLs mentioned in config files and DOORS Database.
Check in doorsRedirector.properties and festival.xml, wherever the DWA URL is specified. Ensure you use FQDN of the DWA Server in those URLs.
Similarly, browse to DOORSHOME\bin on DOORS Server, and run the following command -
dbadmin -d <DOORS DB Port>@<DOORS DB Name> -dwaHost <DWAServerName> -dwaPort 8443 dwaProtocol https
Once the command is run, you'd have to restart the DOORS Server.
Hope that helps.