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Customizing work items - new attributes onto old work items

James Porter (26166) | asked Oct 15 '08, 1:49 p.m.
I created about 300 work items (user stories), then added a new custom attribute to the user story work item type. The new attribute appears on new work items I create, but doesn't on the existing work item instances.

How can I get it to appear, so I can make use of the attribute in all the 300 existing work items?

2 answers

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Marcel Bihr, Jazz Work Item team (1.4k) | answered Oct 16 '08, 2:42 a.m.
You can 'synchronize' the old work items. To do this, create a query that returns all old stories. Select them all in the Work Item Explorer, right click on the first column (the icon) and select 'Synchronize Attributes'.


Jazz Work Item team

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James Porter (26166) | answered Oct 16 '08, 7:31 a.m.
Thanks -- that worked well.

It is critical that the query created for this include the work item type as the first column -- that's the icon you mention.

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