Report REST API usage for RRC&RPE: how to use collectionURI, viewName
2 answers
Hi Regis,
I just tested with the following
and I got the elements back correctly.
The wiki you're referring to is not obsolete, this syntax does work
Is the view called "SelfService" or "Self Service"? Spaces do make the difference
I just tested with the following
and I got the elements back correctly.
The wiki you're referring to is not obsolete, this syntax does work
Is the view called "SelfService" or "Self Service"? Spaces do make the difference
Regis Coqueret
Oct 19 '12, 5:49 a.m.Made some progress:
- creatd a view 'SelfService'
- URL https://.../text?projectURI=_byUWFsWmEeGLPdfJvx2A4w&viewName=SelfService yields nothing: "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><ds:dataSource totalCount="0" xmlns:ds=""/>"
- have inspected the HTML element in FireFox and picked up the span tag (containing https://server:9443/rm/views/_hT9bMBnQEeKBkPeKWs5CDQ) and then forming a different URL:
- this works well, including rich text
Edgar Ignacio Velazquez Mar
JAZZ DEVELOPER Oct 19 '12, 12:26 p.m.You can also get the viewURI by clicking the pencil icon on the view and select "Show Link", you will get a URL like this:
from here just grab the filterId parameter and use it in your request
Regis Coqueret
Oct 19 '12, 12:37 p.m.ok got it ... viewURI is same as filterId, because 'views' were previously known as 'saved filters' right ?
Edgar Ignacio Velazquez Mar
JAZZ DEVELOPER Oct 19 '12, 2:14 p.m.correct, this is the easiest way to get the viewURI since RRC 4.0
Regis Coqueret
Oct 29 '12, 10:01 p.m.thank you EdgarÂ