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List all members of a project

Benjamin Chodroff (8985231) | asked Oct 15 '12, 12:26 p.m.
Is there a way to list all members of a project across all teams? I need to send out a notification and there is no concise list of users unless I manually crawl through a ton of teams.

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Benjamin Chodroff (8985231) | answered Oct 15 '12, 1:24 p.m.
The best I found:
  • Open Eclipse, connect to the project
  • Go to the Team Organization view
  • Expand all the teams manually (sigh, I wish there was  "+" option. Best to start from the bottom of the list and work up)
  • Select everything by selecting the first user, hold the shift key, select the last element
  • Go through the list and deselect the teams by control + click on each team name
  • Right click on a user and select "send email"
  • You now have a list of emails of everyone in the entire project area hierarchy


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