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Red asterisks for mandatory fields appears in Eclipse client and not in web client, why?

Suresh Raman (9152433) | asked Oct 11 '12, 5:51 p.m.
Red asterisks for mandatory fields appears in Eclipse client and not in web client, why?

RTC - 4.0 and tried both in IE9 and FF10ESR. Same result in both browsers.

Is anyone else experiencing this?


Guido Schneider commented Oct 12 '12, 3:51 a.m.

I saw this to, but randomly. Sometimes the asterisk is not displayed for some workitem-types and for other it is. Closing the workitem, working on other workitem, going back to the first one and they magically re-appear. I have not found out a pattern yet. I saw it also in 

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