Planned Integration points & timelines for RTC
5 answers
Are there currently plans underway to integrate RDM, RQM, RER, and RSA with RTC? If so, please detail the time lines and planned releases for each.
RSA 7.5 works directly with RTC altready - shipped a week or so ago.
RQM has not shipped yet but as far as I know, the first release will not work off the same actual repository as RTC. RQM will work off the same repository - only a matter of time.
Don't know about RDA - you might want to check with the Information Management brand folks in IBM.
Not sure what RER is (have heard of REM - but this has nothing to do with software :-)
RER is Rational Enterprise Reporting. The Beta program kicked off a week or two ago.
Ah - sorry - I know that software under an internal name. Thanks for the clarification. So RER is aimed at the Jazz platform. Was there a specific integration you were looking for?
Integration between RTC and RER. Will RER be able to report on information within and across Repositories?