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Browser-Restriction 32-bit?

Frank Jungbeck (545) | asked Oct 09 '12, 1:57 p.m.


we found this in the system-documentation:

"Browser Support Notes

  • RRC Graphical Editor Browser support is 32-bit mode and on Windows only."

Question: we want to use IE9 on a windows7 os - does this work ?

best regards


Accepted answer

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Robin Bater (3.4k47) | answered Oct 09 '12, 10:31 p.m.
Yes for my work I use both IE9 and FireFox 10 ESR on Windows 7 64 bit OS. Both IE9  and FireFox 10 ESR are 32-bit browser versions.
Frank Jungbeck selected this answer as the correct answer

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Benjamin Silverman (4.1k610) | answered Oct 10 '12, 1:40 p.m.
Hi Frank,

Just to clarify, the 64-bit restriction is only on the browser plugin that allows you to edit graphical artifacts.  If you try to install it when running a 64-bit browser, you will have problems.  This is unrelated to running a 32-bit browser on a 64-bit OS, so you will be fine to use the product on any supported browser, as long as you are not expecting the graphical editor to work on a 64-bit install of IE.  Hope it helps,

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