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Problem withj RRDI Install - NullPointerException

Chris Hardy (3651619) | asked Oct 02 '12, 8:12 p.m.
I'm having a problem installing RRDI in a test environment.
Have run the installer via Installation manager and all seems well.
I then run the set up and again all is well until i get to step 6  Build and Deploy Reporting Components

when i click on deploy  it gets s far as "Update the report server configuration", the status info on the pages says
"Deploying the reporting components... (43% complete)" and never moves - i left it for 6 hours and no progress.

If I refresh the page the deployment fails but the only message I can see is in the Tomcat window which just says:
"CRRRA2029I: Change and save the Cognos configuration"
If I rerun the deploy then the deploymen goes all the way to the end but fails at the final step
"Wait for the report server to initialize and set the Rational Reporting style

The reporting components could not be deployed due to an error.

There are no other errors reported.
Any ideas as to what the cause might be or what i should check

My configuration is
Single server topology
Windows 2008 Sever
CLM 4.0.1 M2
RRDI 2.0

Ali Manji commented Oct 03 '12, 8:17 a.m. | edited Oct 03 '12, 11:33 p.m.

Hi Chris -

Did you download and install a 32-bit version of RRDI ?
Is your WAS installed using the 32-bit or 64-bit Java SDK?
Do you see anything in the setup log?
(You can find logs for the setup wizard under <RRDIInstallDir>\setup\logs)


Chris Hardy commented Oct 03 '12, 7:40 p.m.

Hi Ali,
Both WAS and RRDI are 32 bit

I have he set up log and can see a couple of error but not sure what they are referencing
At teh top of the lo file I can see
10/03/2012 18:23:55,235 INFO : C:\PROGRA~2\IBM\RRDI\setup\tool\JAZZTE~1\server\conf\rrdi
10/03/2012 18:25:18,266 ERROR : java.lang.IllegalStateException: BootstrapConfig.ErrorNotInitialized
10/03/2012 18:23:55,235 INFO : C:\PROGRA~2\IBM\RRDI\setup\tool\JAZZTE~1\server\conf\rrdi
10/03/2012 18:25:18,266 ERROR : java.lang.IllegalStateException: BootstrapConfig.ErrorNotInitialized
10/03/2012 18:27:56,204 INFO : CRRRA0115I: No DBMS is found.
10/03/2012 18:29:24,532 ERROR : CRRRA4001E: The source file does not exist.

Cheng-Yee Lin commented Oct 03 '12, 8:49 p.m. | edited Oct 03 '12, 11:33 p.m.


For the purpose of double verification, can you do the following?
. Open a Command Prompt window
. Navigate to the [WAS-install-directory]\AppServer\bin directory
. Run .\versionInfo.bat
. Post the last section, Installed Product, of the command output here


Chris Hardy commented Oct 04 '12, 7:57 p.m.

Well this is very embarrassing!
Thanks Cheng-Yee I checked the version of WAS and it was 64 bit not 32 bit as previously stated. When I installed the 64 bit version of rrdi it worked

Thanks for the help

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Chris Hardy (3651619) | answered Oct 04 '12, 7:58 p.m.
Well this is very embarrassing!
Thanks Cheng-Yee I checked the version of WAS and it was 64 bit not 32 bit as previously stated. When I installed the 64 bit version of rrdi it worked

Thanks for the help

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