RM upgrade from 4.0.6 to 5.0

Hello all,
The RM step during the upgrade...the documentation is not as detailed as the other sections. Anyway, with that in mind, I am testing the upgrade on a demo machine. There are a series of steps during the RM peice that failed causing me to start over, and over, and over, and that's fine. However, this latest one I need an answer...
During the RM upgrade, it looks for this .rdf file location in the 5.x\rm\teamserver.properties
This file does not exist in the 5.0 directory, and the migration fails to finish because of the absence of this file. Should I copy this from the 4.0.6 directory?
Accepted answer

Hi Sterling,
Are you using the upgrade script or doing the upgrade using the manual commands? You need to copy the teamserver.properties from jts before running the upgrade. I wrote an article outlining the steps needed if using the upgrade script. Is it possible you missed the step of manually copying the teamserver.properties before running the upgrade script? com.ibm.rdm.fronting.server.migrateFriendsConfigPath should be pointing to the OLD friendsconfig.rdf path from the 4.x install. This file is not needed for 5.0 as it is migrated in to the database.
Are you using the upgrade script or doing the upgrade using the manual commands? You need to copy the teamserver.properties from jts before running the upgrade. I wrote an article outlining the steps needed if using the upgrade script. Is it possible you missed the step of manually copying the teamserver.properties before running the upgrade script? com.ibm.rdm.fronting.server.migrateFriendsConfigPath should be pointing to the OLD friendsconfig.rdf path from the 4.x install. This file is not needed for 5.0 as it is migrated in to the database.