Upgrading RQM 2 to existing RQM 2.0.1-IFIX3.
For Error-1 & Error 2 :
Solution : Copied SQL Jar in the installation Directory
However we also received Error 3 & Error 4
Apart from above mentioned errors, we were unable to find a directory called JAZZ under Webapps.
We did try manually recreating it but of no use, Also we saw some plug-in errors “QTP Plug In” etc .
Environment RQM Application Version: 2.0.1-IFIX 3
RQM OS Server: Windows 2003 R2 SP2
SQL DB Version: SQL 2005
SQL OS Server: Windows 2003
Installation Method: Installation Manager
4 answers
this post does not contain enough information for me to help. I am unaware what the errors are, error numbers look different for all I know. If you can provide more details on what you are doing and what you see, maybe someone has an idea.
What application server are you using? Why are you looking for a JAZZ folder underneath webapps? This folder would only be there if you run on Tomcat. It is created when the server starts up and expands the jazz.war.
Hi, Thanks for looking into this issue. Following were the errors noticed. Apache Tomcat for RQM application is used in this scenerio.
Error-1 : Error ernal.webuiinitializer.webUIinitialiserRestService - Failed to get the IWebUIinitializer implementation from the descriptor:ExtensionServiceElementDescriptor@ec00ec0, bundle="com.ibm.rqm.planning.service", 'componentId="com.ibm.rqm.planning", 'implementationClass="com.ibm.rqm.planning.service.interbal.web.permissionsWebUIIntializer"Com.ibm.team.repository.commom.transport.TeamServiceRegistryException: CRJAZ1092I The service class "com.ib,.team.respository.service.internal.schemagen.persistentMappingService" failed during activation.
Error-2: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: CRJAZ08081 The driver "com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver" could not be loaded and registered. Support for some data base vendors requires that the JDBC driver JAR be provided in a patch configured by the server scripts.
Error-3 : ServicesUtil - While fetching the root services document from '" a "404" HTTP status code was rejected
For error 3: You should not use IP addresses in the public URI. Always use full qualified domain names. Other than that from the data provided I can't really tell from the given data. What do the log files tell you?
It is a good idea to test this before doing it in production. Any reason why you go to that specific fix (there are more recent fix packs for RQM as I can see from https://jazz.net/downloads/rational-quality-manager/releases/ ?
I was now able to update successfully from 2.0.1-IFIX 3, however after I applied 2, I was not able to login to the web URL.
It says you are not authorized to view and the credentials used were application super user. Before applying the patch ( 2), I was able to login and navigate to couple of projects.
The repotools_CreateTables.log file shows the following info at the end .
CRJAZ1363I Loading configuration from "file:conf/jazz/teamserver.properties". CRJAZ1365I Attempting Initial Database Connection Using Db Name/Location: repositoryDB CRJAZ1364I Initial database connection successful Db Product Name: Apache Derby Db Product Version: - (677131) Db URL: jdbc:derby:repositoryDB Jdbc Driver Name: Apache Derby Embedded JDBC Driver Jdbc Driver Version: - (677131) CRJAZ8192I: Fulltext Index Location: D:\apps\IBM\RQM2011\server\workitemindex\fulltext_index CRJAZ8190E: The fulltext index location property (indexLocation) should point to an absolute directory but is currently set to 'workitemindex' Creating the tables for the database "repositoryDB" with indices. The user "ADMIN" has logged in to the database "repositoryDB". The user "ADMIN" has logged out of the database "repositoryDB". Running post create tables for "resetIndexes" component... Post create tables for resetIndexes took 47 ms. The database tables were created successfully ======================= Thanks in advance