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Copying RRC artifacts from project X to Project Y in RRC 4.0 version (update for 6.0.2)

Hemmy Rex (1768) | asked Sep 14 '12, 1:14 a.m.
edited Dec 13 '16, 1:38 p.m. by Rosa Naranjo (2.9k11723)

I have RRC 4.0 version. I have created requirement, use cases traced to RQM data and setup an end to end traceability in my project there is a need to move or copy all the artifacts from project area X to project area Y. I have both the project areas on the same server.

can someone help to, how to achieve this.

wolfgang steindl commented Sep 14 '12, 8:18 a.m.

With RRC 4 ReqIf (Requirements Interchange Format) was introduced. This might help to achive your goals. See doc

I haven't check but I'm not sure if the links will be exported/imported too.

Accepted answer

permanent link
Robin Bater (3.4k47) | answered Sep 14 '12, 11:01 a.m.
FYI:  Here is a comparison of all RRC V4 data exchange mechanisms:

As Wolfgang indicates ReqIF is probably you best option.

The data that you can import from a ReqIF file includes:
  • Textual artifacts
  • Graphical artifacts
  • Attribute definitions
  • Attribute definitions from Link Types
  • Data types
  • Folder and folder hierarchy
  • Links
  • Link types
  • Object types
Restriction: Data import does not include:
  • Tags
  • Views
  • Comments
  • Reviews
  • Audit History

Exporting data to a ReqIF file

The data that you can export from a requirements management project includes:
  • Textual artifacts
  • Graphical artifacts
  • Artifact types
  • Links
  • Link types
  • Folders
  • Folder hierarchy
Restriction: Data export does not include:
  • Tags
  • Views
  • Comments
  • Reviews
  • Audit History
Hemmy Rex selected this answer as the correct answer

Hemmy Rex commented Sep 17 '12, 6:28 a.m.

Many thanks to Wolfgang and Robin. it worked.

One other answer

permanent link
Rosa Naranjo (2.9k11723) | answered Dec 13 '16, 1:37 p.m.
Update for DNG 6.0.2


You can import several types of data from a ReqIF file, including these types:
  • Textual artifacts
  • Graphical artifacts
  • Diagram artifacts
  • Attribute definitions
  • Attribute definitions from link types
  • Data types
  • Folder and folder hierarchy
  • Links
  • Link types
  • Modules
  • Artifact types
  • Collections
  • View column information, which can be imported in the first import only
The following types of data cannot be imported:
  • Tags
  • View filtering information
  • Comments
  • Reviews
  • Audit history
Export from REQIF
You can export several types of data from a requirements project to a ReqIF file, including these types:
  • Attribute definitions
  • Data types
  • Textual artifacts
  • Graphical artifacts
  • Diagram artifacts
  • Artifact types
  • Modules
  • Collections
  • Links to other artifacts in the RM project
  • Link types
  • Folders
  • Folder hierarchy
  • View column information
The following types of data cannot be exported:
  • Tags
  • Comments
  • View filtering information
  • Reviews
  • Audit History
  • Links to artifacts in applications that are integrated by using OSLC, such as Rational Team Concertâ„¢ and Rational® Quality Manager

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