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URL Hyperlink to navigate to RRC requirement

Sean F (1.3k249160) | asked Sep 07 '12, 12:37 p.m.
How can I get the URL of an RRC requirement?

Can it be pasted into a Word doc and then be clicked on and navigate to RRC if there is a logged in RRC session running?

4 answers

permanent link
Daniel Moul (4.9k1318) | answered Sep 07 '12, 12:47 p.m.
Four ways:

1. From the artifact page (which lists the artifact you want the URL for), hover over your artifact.  Wait for the rich hover window to finish drawing.  Then highlight the text at the top of the window (ID plus name). Then copy and paste it into your doc.
2. Do the same thing as (1) from a dashboard viewlet
3. Open the artifact and copy the URL from the browser URL field (will be an "uglier" URL)
4. Generate a document that includes this artifact, either from the "print to Word/PDF" in the upper right or using one of the pre-defined document (report) templates.\

I typically do (1) or (2) ... and I do it a lot.

permanent link
Sean F (1.3k249160) | answered Sep 07 '12, 12:43 p.m.
Oh OK. Seems like the URL from the address bar field can be pasted into a Word Doc and is clickable so that works.

permanent link
Robin Bater (3.4k47) | answered Sep 10 '12, 5:41 a.m.
In RRC V4, for option #3 above, there is a way to get a prettier (simple) URL. From the open artifact, look at the breadcrumb at the top of the editor and you will see a link icon at the end. Clicking this icon will present a pop-up dialogue with a URL to the resource.

permanent link
Sean F (1.3k249160) | answered Sep 26 '12, 12:08 p.m.
Thanks Robin but this does not seem to work.

The main URL from the address bar can be pasted as a hyperlink into a Word doc and navigated using ctrl click and it opens a tab na dshows the artifact (if a Jazz session is running and logged in)

The breadcrumb URL which is smaller as you say does not work when using ctrl-click. It Opens a browser tab and shows a blank page

Robin Bater commented Sep 26 '12, 12:30 p.m.

Hi Sean, There must be something special that is happening with the short URL in MS Word CTRL-Click as it does not work but does work on my laptop from e-mail, instant messaging and pasting into a browser. Not sure what is going on.

I suppose the answer then is to use the fully qualified URL from the browser address bar.

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