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Error installing RTC 4.0 on Windows using DB2 on IBMi (AS400)

Morten Madsen (3053250) | asked Sep 06 '12, 4:54 a.m.
Hi, while using the GUI setup guide to configure the database, I get the following error:

Database Version detected is "06.01.0000 V6R1m0" but only "DB2 for IBM i5/OS V5R4 or higher" are supported.

I would say that 6.1 is higher than 5.4 wouldn't you?

Also the RTC 4.0 system requirements state:
DB2 for IBM i 7.1, and IBM i 6.1

Can anybody comment on this?

Accepted answer

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Craig Chaney (9212) | answered Sep 06 '12, 6:57 a.m.
You can safely ignore that incorrect error message.  It's a bug that is fixed in  See:
Morten Madsen selected this answer as the correct answer

Morten Madsen commented Sep 06 '12, 7:07 a.m.

Thanks a lot. But I don't think I can ignore it. It shows as an error when I try to "create tables" which fails with this error. So I can't get past it. Guess I need to wait for v4.0.0.1....

Morten Madsen commented Sep 11 '12, 9:19 a.m.

One little note to this. If you want to configure DB2 for i (IBMi, Systemi, iSeries - whatever you call it today) and you are using WAS / Websphere application server, you have to configure the java VM custom variable DB2I_JDBC = <drive>:/<path-to-jt400.jar>. My example is DB2I_JDBC = e:/ibm/jazzteamserver/server/db2i. Don't include the jar file in the path like for SQL and ORACLE DBs.

One other answer

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Kevin Doyle (60425) | answered Sep 06 '12, 10:16 a.m.
The error message you get is incorrect.  We have seen that before if the jt400.jar on the system is old.  Double check that your system has the minimum PTF prereqs installed.  For 4.0 they are:


  • Group Security: SF99608                         Level 28
  • DB2 for IBM i: SF99601                            Level 24
  • Java: SF99562                                            Level 18
  • TCP/IP Group PTF: SF99354                   Level 13
  • IBM HTTP Server: SF99115                     Level 23
  • WebSphere App Server V7.0: SF99325   Level 16


  • Technology Refresh: SF99707                  Level 3
  • Group Security: SF99708                         Level 13
  • DB2 for IBM i: SF99701                           Level 13
  • Java: SF99572                                           Level 7
  • IBM HTTP Server for i: SF99368               Level 11
  • WebSphere App Server V7.0: SF99363     Level 7
  • WebSphere App Server V8.0: SF99380     Level 4

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