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User Log Report in RTC

Vinay Kumar AV (17923837) | asked Sep 06 '12, 1:12 a.m.
edited Sep 06 '12, 1:35 a.m.

I need to pull a report of all Jazz users and know when they have logged the last time to RTC. We have our JTS deployed on WAS and users are LDAP authenticated. What needs to be done to achieve this?


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Guido Schneider (3.4k1491115) | answered Sep 06 '12, 9:18 a.m.

I'm using advanced license logging of Jazz for getting this information. It's not exactly the login report, but it shows when a user has last used a license. This works at least for floating licenses quite well.

You have to enable the Advance License Logging in the JTS Advanced Properties:

The file will then get for each license request and extend a time stamp with the userID. You know can simply search for the last entry for a user, or filter and sort it.

Example of such a license log file (csv):
Server, Start Time, Expiration Date, Policy Id, Lease Id, User Id, Operation Id, Description, 2012-07-18T14:50:53Z, 2012-07-18T16:50:53Z,, _-Rzp8NDnEeGNXZb8cHYYbA, userID,, checkout

Muhtar Akbulut commented Jan 08 '13, 8:01 a.m.

Guido, does this approach only work for floating licenses?

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