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Would size of rows in SCM_CONFIGURATION_SELECTIONS table affect system performance?

Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | asked Sep 05 '12, 3:29 a.m.
We use RTC3013/WAS On Red Hat Enterprise linux 5 64bit with 32GB, Oracle on another Linux machine and 48GB memory.

We have frequent build running on Android development and the project has 30k files in general.
Recently we have some performance issue and when monitoring SQL query, it seems that lots of db top activities are related to this table:SCM_CONFIGURATION_SELECTIONS.

There are
200,000,000 rows in SCM_CONFIGURATION_SELECTIONS table currently.

The question is: is the size of this table considered as normal? and if the size of rows in this table would impact system performance?

Thank you very much for any info.

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John Camelon (1.7k14) | answered Nov 20 '12, 9:34 a.m.
 It is normal.  What queries are they having problems with?

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