How to add RTC defect to test case execution record in RQM ?
2 answers
Yes, you can use the OSLC QM API (see;up=#Resource_TestCase). Note, for the RQM Reportable REST API.
It's a REST API so any HTTP client (including Poster/HTTPRequester) could be used to illustrate the API.
You'll need to review the OSLC QMA API to understand how it works. Once your understand the API, the OSLC QM service provider catalog is accessible in RQM from the oslc_qm:qmServiceProviders URL in the root services document (see https://<host>:<port>/<context root>/rootservices). You'll want to set the oslc_qm:blockedByChangeRequest property on the;up=#Resource_TestExecutionRecord resource.
You'll need to review the OSLC QMA API to understand how it works. Once your understand the API, the OSLC QM service provider catalog is accessible in RQM from the oslc_qm:qmServiceProviders URL in the root services document (see https://<host>:<port>/<context root>/rootservices). You'll want to set the oslc_qm:blockedByChangeRequest property on the;up=#Resource_TestExecutionRecord resource.