RQM integration with soapUI
8 answers
You would only need one bat/cmd file that would be reused across multiple test scripts. The test scripts would pass different parameters to the bat/cmd file to run a specific test. In RQM 3.0.1+, you can use execution variables (see http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/clmhelp/v3r0m1/topic/com.ibm.rational.test.qm.doc/topics/c_execvar_overview.html) for the soapUI project, suite, case, etc. For the system under test, I am not aware of anyway to automatically pass this value to the bat/cmd file, except to manually configure a parameter/execution variable.
Note, we are working on a Jazz.net article that may help. See https://jazz.net/jazz02/resource/itemName/com.ibm.team.workitem.WorkItem/52490 for the attach rough draft.
Note, we are working on a Jazz.net article that may help. See https://jazz.net/jazz02/resource/itemName/com.ibm.team.workitem.WorkItem/52490 for the attach rough draft.
Just tested out soapui with the CLA and it works fine. All RQM variables are available in SOAPUI, the pass/fail result is returned, and the result details include the SOAP messages.
That jazz.net article was eassential reading - thank you.
Below is the script.
It assumes one RQM test script maps to one SOAPUI test script.
The CLA returns the pass/fail test result from SOAPUI to RQM. No mapping to the value is required.
The CLA captures system SOAPUI test output and attaches it to the RQM test results. The soapui-log4j.xml is customized to capture a full trace of the SOAP messages to include in the RQM test results.
Contents of cmd file:
rem This script is designed to be run from RQM command line adaptor.
set soapui_home=C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\soapUI-4.0.1
cd C:\SoapUItests
set path=%path%;"%soapui_home%\bin"
type %qm_ExecutionVariablesFile%
copy %qm_ExecutionVariablesFile% soapui.properties
set errorlevel=
call testrunner.bat -s"%qm_soapui_suite%" -c"%qm_soapui_case%" -r -a "%qm_soapui_project%"
exit /b %errorlevel%
Explanation of cmd file
set soapui_home=C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\soapUI-4.0.1
set path=%path%;"%soapui_home%\bin"
This tells the script where to find SOAPUI. Adjust according to the SOAPUI version.
cd C:\SoapUItests
This allows SOAPUI to pick up script names without the need to specify the directory. It also allows SOAPUI to find a customized soapui-log4j.xml and the soapui.properties.
type %qm_ExecutionVariablesFile%
This writes all the RQM variables to the test execution results, for diagnostic purposes.
copy %qm_ExecutionVariablesFile% soapui.properties
This copies all the variables supplied from RQM to SOAPUI.
set errorlevel=
This clears the errorlevel variable.
call testrunner.bat -s"%qm_soapui_suite%" -c"%qm_soapui_case%" -r -a "%qm_soapui_project%"
This calls the command line interface of SOAPUI. The pass/fail result is stored in the errorlevel variable.
It uses the 3 variables defined RQM to locate the SOAPUI script: soapui_project, soapui_suite and soapui_case. These variables must be set in RQM at the test or suite level.
exit /b %errorlevel%
This returns the pass/fail result to RQM.
File soapui-log4j.xml.
The soapui-log4j.xml is customized to capture a full trace of the SOAP messages to include in the RQM test results.
This file is copied from the SOAPUI bin directory to C:\SoapUItests and modified to include the additional clause:
Happy testing.
That jazz.net article was eassential reading - thank you.
Below is the script.
It assumes one RQM test script maps to one SOAPUI test script.
The CLA returns the pass/fail test result from SOAPUI to RQM. No mapping to the value is required.
The CLA captures system SOAPUI test output and attaches it to the RQM test results. The soapui-log4j.xml is customized to capture a full trace of the SOAP messages to include in the RQM test results.
Contents of cmd file:
rem This script is designed to be run from RQM command line adaptor.
set soapui_home=C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\soapUI-4.0.1
cd C:\SoapUItests
set path=%path%;"%soapui_home%\bin"
type %qm_ExecutionVariablesFile%
copy %qm_ExecutionVariablesFile% soapui.properties
set errorlevel=
call testrunner.bat -s"%qm_soapui_suite%" -c"%qm_soapui_case%" -r -a "%qm_soapui_project%"
exit /b %errorlevel%
Explanation of cmd file
set soapui_home=C:\Program Files (x86)\SmartBear\soapUI-4.0.1
set path=%path%;"%soapui_home%\bin"
This tells the script where to find SOAPUI. Adjust according to the SOAPUI version.
cd C:\SoapUItests
This allows SOAPUI to pick up script names without the need to specify the directory. It also allows SOAPUI to find a customized soapui-log4j.xml and the soapui.properties.
type %qm_ExecutionVariablesFile%
This writes all the RQM variables to the test execution results, for diagnostic purposes.
copy %qm_ExecutionVariablesFile% soapui.properties
This copies all the variables supplied from RQM to SOAPUI.
set errorlevel=
This clears the errorlevel variable.
call testrunner.bat -s"%qm_soapui_suite%" -c"%qm_soapui_case%" -r -a "%qm_soapui_project%"
This calls the command line interface of SOAPUI. The pass/fail result is stored in the errorlevel variable.
It uses the 3 variables defined RQM to locate the SOAPUI script: soapui_project, soapui_suite and soapui_case. These variables must be set in RQM at the test or suite level.
exit /b %errorlevel%
This returns the pass/fail result to RQM.
File soapui-log4j.xml.
The soapui-log4j.xml is customized to capture a full trace of the SOAP messages to include in the RQM test results.
This file is copied from the SOAPUI bin directory to C:\SoapUItests and modified to include the additional clause:
Happy testing.
Hi there.
Can you please give us an indication of which one would be easiest: the RQM Reportable REST API (https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RqmApi) or the OSLC QM V2 API (http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/QmSpecificationV2)?
Given an example peice of java:
String result = doTest();
is there an example of how this test might be invoked from rqm and how the result could be lodged into RQM?
Can you please give us an indication of which one would be easiest: the RQM Reportable REST API (https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RqmApi) or the OSLC QM V2 API (http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/QmSpecificationV2)?
Given an example peice of java:
String result = doTest();
is there an example of how this test might be invoked from rqm and how the result could be lodged into RQM?
Both have their benefits but it really boils down to the level of resource support. The RQM Reportable REST API supports ~39 resource types (https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RqmApi#Resources_and_their_Supported_Op) whereas the OSLC QM V2 API supports only 5 resource types (http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/QmSpecificationV2?sortcol=table;up=#QM_Resource_Definitions).
Both provide a REST interface to access all of the services requiring only a simple HTTP client. For an example, see the RQM URL Utility source (https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RQMURLUtility#Accessing_the_Source). However, note the required HTTP request headers (https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RqmApi#HTTP_GET_Requests and http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/OslcCoreSpecification?sortcol=table;up=#HTTP_GET_Queries).
Both provide a REST interface to access all of the services requiring only a simple HTTP client. For an example, see the RQM URL Utility source (https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RQMURLUtility#Accessing_the_Source). However, note the required HTTP request headers (https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Main/RqmApi#HTTP_GET_Requests and http://open-services.net/bin/view/Main/OslcCoreSpecification?sortcol=table;up=#HTTP_GET_Queries).
I havn't tried it yet, but from reading the documentation it appears the command line adaptor is a reasonable fit for starting soapui tests.
For passing the sucess/fail result back to RQM,
The soapui command line interface testrunner.bat will return 0 on success on -1 on failure. This fits with what RQM requires.
The result can be passed back to rqm with the exit command. eg.
call testrunner.bat -s"%suite%" -c"%case%" -r "%project%"
exit /b %errorlevel%
The docs say the RQM command line adaptor collects the standard out and attaches it to the test results. This appears to match the soapui command line interface which writes plenty of diagnostics to standard out.
The downside is that it appears to require a bat/cmd file to be created for every test script. Is it possible to pass parameters to the script that the RQM command line adaptor invokes? Being able to pass a constant value would be good for the soapui project,suite, and case.
the soapui -h parameter accepts the host name of the system under test. Is it possible to take this from some RQM lab management entity, and pass it as a parameter to a script?
I havn't tried it yet, but from reading the documentation it appears the command line adaptor is a reasonable fit for starting soapui tests.
For passing the sucess/fail result back to RQM,
The soapui command line interface testrunner.bat will return 0 on success on -1 on failure. This fits with what RQM requires.
The result can be passed back to rqm with the exit command. eg.
call testrunner.bat -s"%suite%" -c"%case%" -r "%project%"
exit /b %errorlevel%
The docs say the RQM command line adaptor collects the standard out and attaches it to the test results. This appears to match the soapui command line interface which writes plenty of diagnostics to standard out.
The downside is that it appears to require a bat/cmd file to be created for every test script. Is it possible to pass parameters to the script that the RQM command line adaptor invokes? Being able to pass a constant value would be good for the soapui project,suite, and case.
the soapui -h parameter accepts the host name of the system under test. Is it possible to take this from some RQM lab management entity, and pass it as a parameter to a script?