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Edit Artifact Attributes - RRC 4.0

Harki Glandon (11133) | asked Aug 29 '12, 9:07 a.m.


I have created attributes with specific values (single value and multiple values)

I am trying to add move values to some of these attributes.  Unfortunately, I am unable to do so.  The only option I get is to delete my attribute.

Please let me know if I can edit attributes created by me or not in RRC4.0

Thank you,


3 answers

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wolfgang steindl (2061011) | answered Aug 29 '12, 10:06 a.m.

Not sure what you mean with "I am trying to add move values to some of these attributes."?

You need to add these attributes to artifact types. When you create an artifact of this type you can assign values to your attributes.


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Gabriel Ruelas (1.1k13) | answered Aug 29 '12, 2:21 p.m.
Try to modify the AttributeData type. In that tab user is allowed to add more values to attributes Data Types which will be reflected in the Attributes

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Fabian Lomeli (2213) | answered Sep 07 '12, 1:27 p.m.
Your attribute is of certain Attribute Data Type.  So you should go to the Attribute Data Type tab, select your Attribute Type and in the right panel you can delete, add or modify the values of your attribute data type.  Important that your data type should be of 'Enumerated list of values' (Kind of Value)

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