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Requirements Traceability Widget

Leesen Padayachee (9960120) | asked Mar 27 '15, 1:16 a.m.

For some reason when I use the Requirements Traceability I do not see any project area populated for me even thought I belong to those projects. But if I choose the JKE Banking example, then the project area is populated and I can view data on the widget. Any reason for this? Could it be an ETL jobs not running problem? I am using Jazz 5.0.1.



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Diane Everitt (27835) | answered Mar 27 '15, 11:44 a.m.

Hello Leesen,

The Requirements Traceability report does use the data in the Data Warehouse in RQM 5.x:

Therefore, yes, it relies on the successful completion on the Data Collection/ETL jobs.  You can check the status of the Data Collection jobs in qm/admin > Reports > Data Collection Job Status. 

However, there are additional considerations/criteria that must be met to populate the report.  Please refer to the description for Requirements Traceability at the following link:

I hope this helps.

Best regards,


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