Work Progress Bar is Blank

2 answers

@Cesar can you provide more information like
1. The version of RTC.
2. The process template you are using.
3. For which work item you have enabled the progress bar?
4. If possible the the details of the task and its children.

Hi @aradhya1982 1.- I'm using CLM 4.0 2.- I use the Formal Project Management Process 3.- I'm using the "Change Request" and the "Task" WorkItem BUT I have changed the editor and the workflow. 4.- In theory the Task are the Childrens of the Change Request BUT I have not linked them yet, because of the trouble I had with the progress bar (Problem I did not have in 3.0.1)

In my test
1. I created a Project area using the formal process template.
2. added the work progress editor presentation to the change request work item type,
3. Created a change request and a child defect to this change request with estimates 2 days.
4. the progress bar shows 0/16 hours
5. I fill in time sheet for defect with 2 hours.
6. refresh the change request it shows 2/16 hours and the bar is painted green for 2 hours.
On Formal template the Change Request is a top level item or Plan Item. This means the Estimates for the project change request is not done through the Estimate field but through the Complexity attribute that is defined.
For your problem, If you want the progress to consider the estimates in hours for the change request unmark it as a plan Item and you should be good to go.
Enjoy using planning in RTC.