Copying RQM test artifact ID into custom attribute !
As we are aware RQM generates unique ID for each of the test artifacts created. We have duplicate option to duplicate the artifact in same project area/ another project area.
When we duplicate the certain artifact say test case, is there any way to copy the test case ID into custom attribute of duplicate one ? using some REST API / some thing else ? is the achievable ? if so please suggest the strategy for implementing it.
Accepted answer
Hi Chandra
If you are creating duplicate using reportable REST API, then you can definitely do it. You already have id of the source artifact (webID), when you POST new artifact, put that webId as value of the custom attribute you want to use to keep track of original id or any other property you like
If you are creating duplicate using reportable REST API, then you can definitely do it. You already have id of the source artifact (webID), when you POST new artifact, put that webId as value of the custom attribute you want to use to keep track of original id or any other property you like