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Test Environment and Lab Resources

Jirong Hu (1.5k9295258) | asked May 19 '10, 3:08 p.m.

How does Test Environment and Lab Resources work together? Let's say we have a Sandbox test environment with a few machines, how can I set it up the relationship.


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paul chu (59411) | answered Jun 08 '10, 11:26 a.m.
Test Environment is the description of lab resources which can be as generic or as specific as you need. It does not tie to the actual lab resources. For example, if you need two machines for your test:

My test env:
- Window Server 2008 Enterprise + 4GB memory + WAS 7.0
- DB2

If you submit a Lab Request with this test environment, the Lab Admin will assign actual lab resources that fit the description. The DB2 machine may be a Linux VM with DB2 7.0. The next time you request the same test environment, you might get a Solaris box with DB2 9.0.

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